Episode# 76: Sherry Chris President and CEO of Better Homes and Gardens shares two big opportunities that they have identified in this market for agents and brokers to capitalize on.
In any tough market there are opportunities to be had for the savvy brokers and agents if they know where and how to look.
Sherry Chris; President and CEO of Better Homes and Gardens shares two big nuggets that they have focused on that are helping them cost costs and generate more business.
Here’s a hint … think Echo … as in the echo generation.
According to CBS’s weekly program 60 Minutes: “And whether you call them “echo boomers,” “Generation Y” or “millennials,” they already make up nearly a third of the U.S. population, and already spend $170 billion a year of their own and their parents’ money.
This group will be driving future home sales for many years to come and agents that can communicate to them in the way they want to be communicated to, will stand to not only weather this economic storm, but prosper.”
I hope you enjoy this video interview with Sherry Chris and please be sure to leave your comments in the box below.
All Good Wishes,
michael krisa aka That Interview Guy®
PS. For more great video interview be sure to check out our Past Episodes Section.
As always, Sherry offers exceptional advice!
Two good points of view on the buyers between 18 and 30 something years old and making sure the office is the right size for the new techno office that does not need lots of space.
Hey Krisstina,
She sure does and it was great to be the guy to capture it on video
All Good Wishes,
Hey Robert,
I still see them all as kids yet they are the generation that is making the buying decisions for years to come.
If tough getting old
As always Great Job, Michael and Diane. Good piece on Sherry.
Very good idea. In this market the early bird gets the worm. You have to be a go getter and always thinking of new idea and ways to capture more prospects
Hey James,
Thanks for the comment – that’s what I try to do – keep giving you guys videos on the movers and shakers so that you can be one step ahead of the pack.
All Good Wishes,
Great quality interview. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Judy – that is most kind of you to say.
Please feel free to let others know about our site.
All Good Wishes,
Sherry Chris To Be Keynote Speaker at Unchained Orlando Online Marketing Conference I’m tickled pink with this amnnuocenent.a0 Sherry Chris, CEO of Better Homes and Garden Real Estate will be the keynote speaker for the Bloodhound Blog Unchained Online Marketing Conference.Sherry has worked in real estate brokerage since 1980 ..